
时间:2014-01-26    点击数:


1. Gu J G, Isaji T, Xu Q S. Potential roles of N-glycosylation in cell adhesion[Journal Article]. Glycoconjugate Journal. 2012, 29: 599-607.

2. Guo W H, Yin H, Ye Z Q, Zhao X M, Yuan J L, Du Y G. A comparison study on the interactions of two oligosaccharides with tobacco cells by time-resolved fluorometric method[Journal Article]. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2012, 90: 491-495.

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4. Peng Q, Lv X, Xu Q, Li Y, Huang L, Du Y, Li Y. Isolation and structural characterization of the polysaccharide LRGP1 from Lycium ruthenicum[Journal Article]. Carbohyd Polymers. 2012.

5. Peng Q, Song J J, Lv X, Wang Z, Huang L, Du Y. Structural Characterization of an Arabinogalactan-Protein from the Fruits of Lycium ruthenicum[Journal Article]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2012(60): 9424-9429.

6. Wei P, Ma P, Xu Q S, Bai Q H, Gu J G, Xi H, Du Y G, Yu C. Chitosan oligosaccharides suppress production of nitric oxide in lipopolysaccharide-induced N9 murine microglial cells in vitro[Journal Article]. Glycoconjugate journal. 2012: 1-11.

7. Wu H, Aam B B, Wang W, Norberg A L, S O Rlie M, Eijsink V G H, Du Y. Inhibition of angiogenesis by chitooligosaccharides with specific degrees of acetylation and polymerization[Journal Article]. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2012, 89(2): 511-518.

8. Xu Q, Isaji T, Lu Y, Gu W, Kondo M, Fukuda T, Du Y, Gu J. Roles of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase III in epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition induced by TGF-β1 in epithelial cell lines[Journal Article]. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012, 287(20): 16563-16574.

9. Yin H, Frette X, Christensen L, Grevsen K. Chitosan Oligosaccharides Promote the Content of Polyphenols in Greek Oregano (Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum)[Journal Article]. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry. 2012, 60(1): 136-143.

10. Yin H, Kjaer A, Fretté X, Du Y, Christensen L, Jensen M, Kai G. Chitosan oligosaccharide and salicylic acid up-regulate gene expression differently in relation to the biosynthesis of artemisinin in Artemisia annua L.[Journal Article]. Process Biochemistry. 2012.

11. Zhang H, Wang W, Yin H, Zhao X, Du Y. Oligochitosan induces programmed cell death in tobacco suspension cells[Journal Article]. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2012, 87(3): 2270-2278.

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2. 党一兵,邹明明,王文霞,汪淑晶,杜昱光,张嘉宁. 两种不同相对分子质量的壳寡糖对小鼠免疫功能的影响[J]. 中国海洋药物. 2012, 30(6): 36-39.

3. 杜昱光,拓亚琴,许青松,尹恒,赵小明. 海洋寡糖-壳寡糖数据库的构建及其应用[Z]. 2012: 3, 10-12.

4. 傅赟彬,赵小明,杜昱光. 可德兰多糖及其衍生物的生物活性和应用研究进展[J]. 食品科学. 2012, 33(7): 315-319.

5. 李昱,许青松,彭强,李曙光,杜昱光. 壳寡糖抗炎作用研究进展[J]. 中国生化药物杂志. 2012, 33(3): 326-328.

6. 刘航,曹海龙,岳敏,张建平,李曙光,杜昱光. 褐藻胶裂解酶基因的克隆, 表达载体构建以及表达条件的研究[J]. 华中师范大学学报 (自然科学版). 2012, 4: 17.

7. 卢亚楠,张峰,王丽,从玉婷,杜昱光. 壳寡糖对中国对虾血细胞体外吞噬过程中活性氧作用的影响[J]. 宿州学院学报. 2012(2).

8. 麻攀,于炜婷,魏鹏,许青松,白雪芳,杜昱光. 壳寡糖作用于巨噬细胞的机制初探[J]. 天然产物研究与开发. 2012, 5(24): 660-662.

9. 彭强,吕晓鹏,黄琳娟,白雪芳,杜昱光. 黑果枸杞多糖的纯化工艺研究[J]. 西北农业学报. 2012, 21(2): 121-126.

10. 王晓辉,张庆芳,迟乃玉,曹海龙,赵勇,杜昱光. 海洋宏基因组学研究进展[J]. 生物技术通报. 2012(007): 32-35.

11. 尹恒,赵小明,杜昱光. 糖工程与绿色农业[J]. 高科技与产业化. 2012(003): 50-53.

12. 岳敏,曹海龙,李曙光,杨凤丽,张建平,杜昱光. 诱变选育以菊芋为原料高产甘露醇的乳酸菌[J]. 中国酿造. 2012, 9: 53-56.

13. 张胜霞,吴海歌,姚子昂,王飞飞,杜昱光. 两种海洋寡糖对 S180 荷瘤小鼠抗肿瘤及免疫调节作用的研究[J]. 现代免疫学. 2012, 32(001): 5-8.

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